Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why voting for Gary Johnson in 2012 makes sense !


I'm sure a lot of you have been told that your votes will be wasted if they are not cast for either one of the dynamic duo lovingly called together as "Obamney" !

Ron Paul's supporters are under pressure from the gangsters in the Republican party to unconditionally support an unpalatable Mittney in order to avoid "fracturing the vote". Appeals to act in Unity for the "greater good" and snide remarks to "not throw a tantrum" are made in a patronising tone of voice. This after shamelessly treating them so poorly and stealing the nomination from them. The GOP Polit Bureau Bosses think they have a right to expect, nay demand, loyalty from a section within the GOP against a common adversary. They simultaneously need someone to blame if they lose the Election to one of the most incompetent and underperforming incumbent Presidents in the history of the United States. Of course it won't be their fault for not playing fair at the Republican Primaries and not offering anything different from Obama for the voter to choose from !

Check out this cool 'Interactive' Infographic. It sadly shows only the 2 candidates foisted on us by the mainstream media ! Play with it and check out how the 2 candidates fare against each other in your state.

Another place to look is here.

If you support Romney or Obama in a Swing State / Battleground State where it is too close to call, please vote for the person you support. If that is not the case, then please give Freedom a presence - if not a chance - by Voting for Gary Johnson in 2012. Let's check your psephological options ...

1) If you are an Obama supporter in a strongly Obama leaning State (like Hollywood influenced liberal California for example), then you have nothing to fear by giving your vote to Gary Johnson in 2012 since Obama will not lose that State to Mittney.

2) If you are an Obama supporter in a strongly Mittney leaning State, then your vote is wasted anyway, so give a vote for Gary Johnson in 2012 to make a point. Check out Obama's performance just in case you have your doubts.

3) If you are a Mittney supporter in a strongly Mittney leaning State, then you have nothing to fear by giving a vote for Gary Johnson in 2012.

4) If you are a Mittney supporter in a strongly Obama leaning State, then your vote is wasted anyway, so give a vote for Gary Johnson in 2012 to make a point. Watch this video just in case you are not too sure about that.

5) If you are a passive Ron Paul supporter, vote for the next best thing i.e Gary Johnson - instead of voting for the lesser of the 2 evils this year.

6) If you are a fanatical Ron Paul supporter AND you live in a state where you can't write-in his name, then please vote for someone very similar whom you can give a realistic chance of winning. Vote Gary Johnson in 2012. Please remember that even Ron Paul has suggested he might vote for Gary.

7) If you are from New Mexico, you just have to vote for Gary Johnson in 2012 :-). You know his record better than anyone else.

8) If you are senior or retired person who is worried about your medical expenses under either Obama or Romney then you should see this !

In Summary here is your Choice Matrix ...

Your State is Very Likely to
Vote : 
Obama / Democrat
Your State is Very Likely to Vote : Mittney / RepublicanSwing State OR 'Too Close to Call'
Democrat but not happy with  ObamaVote for Gary as Obama the Democrat will win your state anyway. Register a Protest Vote.Vote for Gary even if you love Obama the Democrat as your candidate will lose your state anywayMake your vote useful. Don't waste it in a losing cause.Sure ! Go Ahead, Vote for your man Obama
Republican but not a supporter of MittneyVote for Gary even if you love Mittney the Republican as your candidate will lose your state anywayMake your vote useful. Don't waste it in a losing cause.Vote for Gary as Mittney the Republican will win your state anyway. Register a Protest Vote. Click Here if you are a Conservative.Sure ! Go Ahead, Vote for your man Mittney
Ron Paul SupporterDon't waste your vote as a "Write-In" voter. Even Ron Paul has suggested he might vote for GaryHelp the Libertarian Party get that 5% even IF you think they won't win. Gary has said that he would not have run against Ron Paul had he won the Republican nomination. Reward him for that. You agree with him 95% of the way anyway !The GOP's RNC stole the nomination from Ron Paul. Make them pay dearly for this ! If you think Obama is the Devil, don't forget that Mittney is no better.
Undecided Voter !If you are undecided it means you are unhappy with both candidates but you are unsure about swimming against the tide. Try Gary!
Seriously. Even if you don't know anything about the 3 candidates, don't you think it is better for America to have one more influential choice?
New Mexico Voter !Do I have to even preach to the Choir ? You know what this guy can do. Help him do to the Country as President what he did for your State as Governor. This is one State that MUST go to Gary !

If you are still unwilling to let your candidate lose but want to support Gary, then look at the 'Interactive' Infographic again. This should help you decide if you can ditch one of the 2 mainstream media candidates you still support without helping his opponent !

Use it to decide if you can afford to vote for Gary Johnson instead of your "preferred lesser evil"
1) You strongly support either Obama or Mittney over the other
2) You are from a state whose choice of presidential candidate is a "supposedly" long foregone conclusion. NOT "too close to call"

There are ofcourse other reasons to Vote for Gary Johnson in 2012 - EVEN - if you think he won't win ! Given below are the long term non-psephological  reasons !
  1. Your vote can help to end the 2 Party Monopoly - albeit slowly.
  2. Your vote forces policy makers and the media to pay attention to the spirit of Freedom - both Economic and Social Freedom.
  3. Your vote will help act as a measure of the growing influence and increasing strength of the (predominantly Ron Paul led) FREEDOM rEVOLution.
  4. Your vote will give the Libertarian Candidates equal ballot access and federal funding (ok this one sucks - no one should get any funding) !

Why Romney & Obama Won't Debate Gary Johnson

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Why Democracy is Wrong and How to Mitigate it's Flaws !

The Observed and Inferred Problems

Ever been in a school or playgroup where the other kids bully you but when someone gives you a bag of candy you are expected to "share" with everyone - even those who you dislike? I've had this bad experience many times growing up in Catholic Boarding Schools and in Politically Liberal Elite societies. That's what universal suffrage can do sometimes. Authorities try to enforce an artificial equality so that they can manage the masses with ease. It would be hard work if they had to apply a different pattern to judge each person in different circumstances. Equality is NOT Individuality. Equality is therefore NOT equal to Freedom. This is visible in the parades of Socialist or Fascist political movements.

"Democracy has nothing to do with freedom. Democracy is a soft variant of communism, and rarely in the history of ideas has it been taken for anything else." Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Reflections on State and War (2006).

"This line of reasoning brings us to a challenging question: If people are as incapable, as immoral, and as ignorant as the politicians indicate, then why is the right of these same people to vote defended with such passionate insistence?" - Frédéric Bastiat

Democracy is sometimes similar to 99 wolves and 1 sheep voting on what's for dinner. There is an implied faith in the wisdom of crowds but one that is based on a snapshot of what the crowd had thought at a moment in time. It need not reflect the new reality nor need it reflect the present mental majority. It's not as if the earlier snapshot is justified. But it does at least have the sanction of the majority - not that the majority is right just because it is the majority. Also, I ask you, if you were right about recruiting the best person for a particular Wall Street job, would that make you infallible as a recruiter ? Does it empower you as a Sports Selector? I think not. Also don't we also often change our minds to adjust our existence to our ever changing realities? Yes we do. Then why would you stake a certain portion of your future to the immutable opinion of others whether it be by referendum OR by the votes of representatives who are not immune to unfairness, stupidity or just simply plain greed (- which is exploited by either overt lobbyists or covert bribers).

"The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections." - Lord Acton, The History of Freedom and Other Essays, Section III: Sir Erskine May's Democracy in Europe p. 76

"Democracy has turned out to be not majority rule but rule by well-organized and well-connected minority groups who steal from the majority." - Llewellyn Rockwell, Jr., in "Why Hate Monarchs?" in The Free Market Vol. 19, No. 8 (August 2001)

There is also sometimes a skewing towards one point of view of the final results of a poll because of voting by people who were not eligible to vote (with the eligibility depending on various criteria and points of views)   OR people who are able to vote disproportional to their size (and/or eligibility)  OR because a certain section of the population has been disenfranchised. Sometimes people think that they have rights just because they happen to be there. Sometimes they think they have a right to an opinion just because they are watching. Sometimes illegal immigrants think that they have a right to be given asylum just because they became parents of a child who was born within a certain geography. That's a bit like taking the generosity of someone's hospitality while your wife is pregnant and after the birth then claiming that this now entitles you to a room in his house for perpetuity. WTF ?

As Ayn Rand says in her novelette Anthem, "My brothers must do more than be born".

"Envy is the basis of democracy." - Bertrand Russell, The Conquest of Happiness, VI, 1930.

Let us now consider the case of the median citizen in every democracy. Very often under the burdens of earning a daily living he has no time to spend researching and studying all the political issues of his time and very often delegates that responsibility to someone who does and/or specialises in it. Note that it is in the interest of the latter to keep the former busy about his work and confused about the latter's work - or the latter would be out of work. Also the issue of everyone travelling to the same location and making a vote like in Ancient Athens is out of the question. We all can't possibly live in the same location just to make decisions of common interest. Even if it has to be done, it's not a rare/important event like the election of the Pope and only in a case of such import would it warrant all stakeholders to travel kilometres and kilometres to get to a common place (aka Parliament) to vote. As human populations increased and nation states increased in size, this mass gathering has proved unfeasible. So we send representatives instead. Sometimes even that becomes a hassle and so we sometimes choose to not vote. Over time our inability to always go to the polls have made them come to us in the form of voting booths and and ballots. Sometimes each province has a say (like in the American Presidential elections) and sometimes it's an Absolute Majority which decides the outcome (like in most Presidential elections). Sometimes we elect legislators like in Parliamentary Democracies (usually based on the British Model) who then are supposed to act as our "representatives". Even though both systems are not fair more than half the time, we accept them with some resignation and take comfort in the law of averages and in the realisation that out fellow man is as crippled as we are. We see this as some kind of fairness.

"When people put their ballots in the boxes, they are, by that act, inoculated against the feeling that the government is not theirs. They then accept, in some measure, that its errors are their errors, its aberrations their aberrations, that any revolt will be against them. It's a remarkably shrewd and rather conservative arrangement when one thinks of it." - John Kenneth Galbraith, The Age of Uncertainty (1977), Chapter 12, p. 330.

Having a Technocracy is fine and dandy on paper but not advisable or implementable. I have seen enough AI movies (Terminator Series, iRobot, Matrix Series, Minority Report) to decide against it. Besides these systems can be hacked and the population can be controlled without their knowledge. And even if they are hacker-proof, it still goes against my notions of free will and my desire for humans to indulge in near zero manipulation of each other's minds. No system is fair, but the Swiss system does seem better than the rest.

The Suggested Solution

Why not have an "Online Democracy" ? While Direct Democracy will solve some of the above problems - at least partially. It can at the least act as an intermediary power structure between now and the eventual online democracy. Here given below are the basic premises of the system I propose. I hope these will in some ways minimize the disadvantages of minarchy as well. I had this idea even before Facebook arrived on the world scene. However it was the success of Facebook that made me think that the time for this idea has finally arrived and that this is now viable in the not too distant future.

  1. All votes may be legally bought by lobbyists or sold by voters on the open market.
    1. All sold votes and amounts transacted must be openly disclosed to the public - "Who sold how many votes to whom on what date on what bill supporting which party or position".
    2. All buyers must be Passport holders AND Tax Card holders.
    3. All non-sold votes will remain confidential and private.
    4. The amount of money involved must be held in an escrow account and transferred to the seller/voter only after voting has been done on the concerned bill for which it was bought.
    5. If the sold vote was not executed the seller does not receive any money.
    6. Till the last second, the seller can exercise his vote thus changing the preference of the buyer to his own and thus nullify the "sold" status of his votes and invalidate any payment due to him by the buyer and held in the escrow account.
    7. All Military, Police, other Law and Order Personnel and Judiciary will NOT pay any Income Tax. This is because their monopolistic services will be needed by society TILL we attain a purely Anarcho-Capitalist society. Then how will they vote on Political and/or Security Affairs? Must their opinions also not be considered ? This can be done by equating their individual  (basic?) salaries to the Tax based votes they are allocated, thus giving important officials more votes individually but lesser government employees more influence collectively.
    8. Due to non-salary expenditure (after assuming balanced budgets), the combined vote of Government Employees will be less than that of Tax Payers.
    9. Non-exercised votes for the passage of a particular bill will lapse.
  2. There are 2 kinds of votes.
    1. Those based on purely political issues.
    2. Those based on economical affairs.
  3. How does a political entity decide whether an issue is purely political or economical/expenditure based ? Though not perfect, one solution is to qualify it by putting it to a meta-vote. Which category a Bill belongs to will be decided by a combined and equal vote of the Tax Payers and General Voters (which includes Govt Employees, Tax Payers and those who have not paid any Taxes).
    1. Tax Payers votes will total 50% spread out in proportion of the taxes they have paid in the last fiscal year or the total tax they have paid during their lifetime. They may also inherit the votes bequeathed to them by inheritance - just like property.
    2. General Voters votes will total 50% spread out equally to all voters.
    3. Each Entity can choose only kind of category (purely political or economical/expenditure based) to which all its votes will go. A Tax Payer will therefore have more votes as he will be able to cast his votes BOTH as a Tax Paying Voter AND as a General Voter towards the category he thinks a bill belongs to. But he cannot split his choices here and allocate them based on his feelings for this vote.
  4. A Tax Paying Entity will have the right to vote. It can be an individual or a company or any other profit seeking and tax paying organisation.
    1. On each economics affairs issue, Tax Paying Entities will have votes in proportion to the taxes they have paid in the last financial year or the total tax they have paid during their lifetime. These votes are to be used on economical affairs only.
      1. Thus those who pay more taxes will have a greater say in the running of the economy.
      2. People can be given the option of selecting multiple candidates or supporting different options by "allocating" their preferences which then translate into votes.
      3. Sometimes fuzzy logic and weighted averages can be used to arrive at a fairer results.
    2. Each Individual will have 1 vote each on  purely political and  non-monetary issues.
    3. On political issues non-Individuals will have as many votes as they have tax-card holding employees (even if the amount paid by the employees is zero). These entities get this delegated vote only if they are the highest source of compensation for that particular employee in the previous year.
      1. Publicly listed companies will vote in proportion to shareholder votes on the issue.
      2. Proprietorship firms will vote as per the whims of the owner/s. 
  5. Proposing Legislation for the consideration of others.
    1. Every Citizen can propose one piece of legislation per year for the consideration of the others.
    2. Tax Paying Organisations can propose as many as Legislative bills as mentioned in 4.3
    3. Whether the proposed Bill should be debated and for how long will be decided by the same method used in article 3.0.0.
    4. People can vote a piece of legislation up or down as important or not. The most important ones will bubble up to the top and be put to the vote. This algorithm is 'natural selection by popularity contest'. Votes are counted using the same algorithms mentioned above.
  6. Politicians are nearly obsolete and exist only as Opinion Makers unlike their earlier role of Rabble Rousers and Parliamentarians. They exist merely as figureheads (President/PM/Defense Minister) and as supervisors of the Bureaucracy and to deal with crisis situations like a War.
  7. The Govt Bureaucracy which is needed for the few remaining Government functions is also similarly supervised by the population using Online Rating Systems.
  8. Salaries of both Politicians and Government Employees are determined based on these Online Rating Systems.
  9. All voting which is online will remain open for a period of 1week during which anyone can log in and see how the tide is turning. People can also change their vote twice before the end of voting.

Picture added later from Facebook on 26 Dec 2013

Monday, June 4, 2012

Welcome To Our Website ... www.ukfcet.ac.in

Today a friend (RJK) emailed the link to the home page of a website of an Engineering college in Keralam.

His desperate question to me was
Of all the names, UKFC of Engineering & Technology
I dont get it. Is it that difficult to get a decent name? ".

Though I was appalled at the standard of writing on the Home Page, I was not surprised at what the State of Education in THE State of Education has been reduced to. There are many things worth considering here. We first take a historical look at the stakeholders of Kerala society.

In keeping with their altruistic and suicidal mindsets, for years, both 'the Catholic Church'  and - its bastard offspring - 'the Left', abhorred "Professional" Colleges. A profession in this article will mean an activity you could work at and "earn money". Oh the horrors - " 'selling something as nobil aas edukayshun for mani ! How could you ?', 'Teaching people a profitable trade/skill/knowledge ! Why don't you tell them to serve their fellow men and work for humanity?' ", etc. They were generally supported by the other (mostly collectivist) participants in Kerala society in where Merchants are considered 'cheap' or 'mean' people and only Land Owners or Factor Owners or Government Employees or Political Leaders or Religious Leaders are to be respected.

In this moronic but highly "educated" society in Keralam these days, Medicine and Engineering are considered the only 2 professions considered "respectable" . The Left opposed approving and starting private Medical and Engineering colleges for many years. So what did Keralites do? They went to the gelf (willing to do anything or to Africa usually as teachers), made a lot of money and sent their kids to the neighbouring states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka to learn anything that was useful in the job market - MBBS, BDS, B.E, Nursing, MBA, etc. The Church was particularly disinclined to start Engineering Colleges as it "was not as noble as being a Nurse or Doctor" and "did not serve humanity".

The dynamic duo then had a change of heart. They suddenly decided that it was all good. Fiat Lux. And then there was light. Then the big bang happened, the sudden explosion of Engineering and Medical colleges out of a desert of cogunut tree greenery. The left and it's puppet student wing the SFI quietly grumbled and made a fuss but not strongly enough to oppose the entry of private players. Even so, they did try to usurp control of the private colleges once the money had been spent by the managements. This has been a regular pattern on Keralam over the past 6 decades. Oppose the rich guy. Make him wait a long time before he can invest any money. Then let him do it - act uninterested. Once he has reached a point of no return, harass him and usurp as much control as you can of HIS PROPERTY so that you can then play Elsworth Toohey.

The Christian Churches (mostly Catholic ones) on their part now have around 7 Engg colleges of their own and even their own private Engg University. Maybe they finally realised that the Industrial and IT Revolutions have done more for Humanity than Mother Theresa and the Dark Ages. Maybe it just made good business sense.

This explosion in quantity has - as can be expected - brought with it a decrease in the overall quality of the colleges and the students. They now try all kinds of tricks to recruit students and this free-er market in education has made Engineering, Medical and Management Education accessible to many more natives than it was a decade ago. It has also brought down the cost of Engineering and Management, drastically - if one factors in inflation. The SFI's opposition to Private Colleges was that poor students would be denied an "equal" opportunity. Well maybe they preferred it the way it was back then - when we were an egalitarian society -  where everyone was unemployed and miserable - EQUALLY !

The standards have also gone down in the way the colleges present themselves. Besides the poor grammar and spelling, they have shown some students who definitely don't look Keralite or Malayali but Caucasian. Oh Well ! I guess with 2nd generation Malayalis coming back home from abroad for a cheaper education, we need to make them feel at home and maybe get them to drag a few of their friends along too ... show them some Multiculturalism and create a nascent market for Educational Tourism and whatever new market there is to milk revenues from.
I have copied the page as it was today to preserve it from any edits in future. Also given 2 screen shots with system time as proof.


                    Universal Knowledge Foundation, a trust registered under the Indian Trust Act, established at an auspicious moment in the year 2008, with the primary objective of rendering selfless, dedicated and yeomen service to cause of higher education originally in the field of Engineering & Technology and subsequently in the fields of Management, Arts, Science, and Paramedical Sciences
With the world moving towards the knowledge based society, the importance of the "knowledge" has increased everywhere. The rich - poor divide, may as a consequence be turned to knowledge rich and knowledge poor society. In such a situation, the institute has a vital role to play in disseminating knowledge among the student community. The institute will try to its best to produce quality man power. The institute shall promote strong link between its essential cultural values reflected in study of engineering.
Our policy on quality
We are committed for moulding young engineers by providing consistent good education. We focus on the engineering education of a high quality by including positive attitude, technical competence, and by adopting and complying with Quality Management System. We also attempt to continuously improve the education system by adopting appropriate scientific approaches